Safe Dating Tips
by Ian McNeice
You know, online dating on the web is generally extremely safe, especially friendly and great fun and Top Dating is committed to ensuring that it stays that way. It is safe dating because it is distance dating - simple. You do not come into contact with others initially and this may well provide you with a comfort factor that also allows you to pace yourself and be rightly choosey.
If possible though, you should try and follow a few basic online safe dating principles before deciding to pass over personal contact information to a relative stranger or arrange to meet them. It's all too easy to get a little carried away when viewing personal ads so take things slowly and take a rain check every now and again. The tips here are from our five star dating sister site They may appear obvious to you but we think that if you do try and follow them, it can only assist you in ensuring you have happy online dating experiences. And you never know, Mr. or Miss Right may be just round the corner. We really hope so.
Always trust your instinct, after all it has got you this far in life already.
Take your time and view plenty of personal ads first.
Do not publish your phone number or email address in personal ads.
Don't take everything at face value.
Do ask lots of questions when chatting.
Ensure you feel comfortable at all times whoever you are chatting with.
If someone is abusive to you, block them straight away.
Don't provide your home or work address to anyone you have not met.
Before agreeing to a date, check that you know as much as possible
Don't allow yourself to be talked into anything, whatsoever! You are the one in charge.
Also consider the following:
Take your time to get to know someone. Don't be rushed
A patient person will be happy to wait until you are ready to meet
Make sure you see plenty of photos if possible of the person you make friends with
Ask your date to leave a message in your voicemail box before hand if possible
Chat on the phone for a while before arranging a date, get to know each other
Always meet in a public place that is well known and convenient to you
Always tell a good friend where you are going, and who you are meeting
If possible phone your friend during the date to confirm all is fine
And perhaps consider these points too:
Always carry a cellular phone on a date if you have one
Lunchtimes are good for dating, convenient, and they have a time limit
Always make your own travel arrangements on a date initially
Do not accept a lift home on the first date or reveal your address
If travelling far, organize your own accommodation and confirm it
Ensure you have as much information about your date as possible
Keep your first date to a time limit so that you have an "exit" point
Don't feel you owe it to someone to meet them, you do not!
When we think of safe dating by sets of rules like this it can all get pretty silly and scary but the fact is that we are introducing ourselves to strangers without the company of friends. It will always be a wise choice to have a friend close by even if they are sitting at a nearby table. But whatever you decide is best for you, keep your wits about you and enjoy your date !!
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Quick Dating Tips : Asking them out
by Ian McNeiceIf you like some one you may have to ask them for a date. For men this is standard practise and for women, this process is becoming increasingly common. If you are thinking of asking someone on a date consider the following quick dating tips:
1. Why are you asking them out, is it for the right reasons and what do you expect as a result of them saying yes or no?
2. Be prepared that the person you ask may say no and in which case do not take the rejection personally.
3. When asking someone out choose your moment carefully and practise what you might say in advance so that you don't appear tongue-tied.
4. If the person you ask says yes, ensure you already have thought of a place, date and time for the date so that you display signs of thoughfulness.
5. Be prepared for the person asking why you want to date them so that you are able to flatter and create a sense of trust immediately. People can be wary and they may want to know some reasosn behind your request. Better, anticipate this by saying "would you like to come to dinner, I have always thought you are great fun..".
6. Make sure that your request for a date does not pressurize the person in any way. If they want to think about it, let them. But don't chase.
7. Make sure that when you ask someone on a date you smile and keep things fun and happy. Being confident and smiley will elicit a far more positive response.
8. Always have an alternative date and time or location in mind should the person be unsure of their diary. Giving a person a choice is often a marketing masterstroke.
9. If the person says no, don't chase for a reason, simply move on. They may think about things and get back to you with a yes response later.
10. If you ask someone on a date, make sure that you actually intend to go through with it. Standing people up is not allowed.
11. If you are being asked out don't play games. If you need time to consider the offer then say so. If you want to say no, say no. But do not keep someone hanging on for no reason. You wouldn't like the situation if it was reversed.
12. Try to avoid dutch-courage such as using alcohol to boost your courage levels as this will often backfire.
13. Don't ask someone out when they are in a group of friends. Timing is everything.
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What is Successful Dating ?
by Ian McNeice
International Online Dating Service.
What is a successful date? Does it mean it leads on to relationship and romance? Well you that would be cool. But it doesn't have to mean that. A successful date can be one where you got on very well, had a great time and things ended on excellent terms. Not every date we go on will end this way, but they should if we plan our dating a little more carefully.
My main concern is that we often just accept dates from the next person who shows and interest and we hope that we get on okay. The problem here is that we are being passive in our dating game. We are receivers without a game plan. Our dating is bound to be far more successful if we are the ones going out and choosing who we would like to date from a selection of those who are compatible.
To do this successfully you first have to have an idea of who you are most likely to get on with and be truthful when you do it. If you insist on dating everyone, 50% of the people you meet won't be compatible straight away. In which case you will have half of all your dates as a complete waste of time. Stop doing that and start analyzing what kind of people you get on with. Okay I could say the following@
I like people who are aged 29 to 36, single and never previously married, no children but would like a child sometime. Should be Christian to an extent, well educated, reasonably tall and have long blonde hair. They should be receptive to the idea of marriage like winter sports and live within 100 miles of my home.
Okay if I do this then I can be accused of many things here but this is just an example. The effect though is to set some criteria by which I can date and from which I am likely to see some successful dating. If I don't make a dating profile then its open to all comers. That's okay. Maybe you simply don't care and want to meet anyone you can., In which case spread your net widely. The problem is though that you are not going to please everyone and once again 50% of your dates will be a complete waste of time.
Recognize that none of us are compatible with everyone. Reclines your minimum dating requirements and then ensure you match the requirements you set. There is absolutely no point in setting the following if you don't match yourself.
I am looking to meet a guy who is 6 feet 2" or taller, must be athletic and a professional sportsman with an income of over $200k a year. They must be extremely attractive, own their own house and sports car and be able to surf.
If you are five feet 1", out of shape and maybe overweight with no career and a low income and cannot swim then what you have done is just describe your ideal fantasy figure not your probable dating criteria. I am not for one second saying you won't be attractive to the character you have described but to date successfully you must establish ground where you are most likely to be compatible and will easily match.
The next thing to consider when looking at successful dating are your expectations. If you are expecting instant love at first sight followed by a perfect romance and children then that's great. The issue here is that it may not happen that way. I wish it would but it doesn't. So being realistic and expecting little is often the best way to date. If you do then one of these days you are in for a nice surprise. Greet every date with optimism but don't go over the top. If you make a new friend then you have done well. Don't expect Cupid at every turn. It will happen but maybe not just yet.
Successful dates are simple dates. They are casual and fun. Believe me when I say that desperation comes across as though you have a placard over your head announcing it. Never ever be desperate to date. If you are then this is the time to take a breather ironically. How many times has someone said that you meet a person when you least expect it. Its true, that's why. So successful dating is when its part of your monthly routine but not the be all and end all.
Successful dates are when you are at your most casual and most upbeat and most relaxed. Successful dates happen when you are focused but in a good mood. Put the rest of your house on order and your dates will naturally take on a new glow because you will be far more positive and organized.
To summarize:
Successful dating involves setting realistic match criteriaSuccessful dating involves establishing dating boundariesSuccessful dating means being prepared and upbeatSuccessful dating means keeping things simple and funSuccessful dating means dating the right people for youSuccessful dating means being realistic about your expectationsSuccessful dating means being patient
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Man As The Hunter - an explanation of men
By Ian McNeice
International Online Dating Service.International online Dating, Romance, Matchmaking, and Marriage at the Datingkey.
Do you know, as a single guy I have been asked many times recently by girls if I can explain basic male behavior in terms that we can all understand. Laborious chats over much wine have led to my lady friends confessing that all is not well in the world of reading what men are thinking. So the Singles Files decided to take a look. It appears that even in our advanced culture, the sexes still present the simplest misunderstandings. Men constantly appear to be a mystery when dating, and even as a man, I agree that we can be as frustrating and perplexing to the uninitiated. So it's back to basics for us today.
Millions of years of evolution haven't clouded human nature and even the most skillful women dater will have encountered male antics that defy belief. 'He acts like a Neanderthal' she may say. And do you, know, she isn't far wrong. Why? Simple, man is a hunter; that is what he was designed to do: Hunt. Which essentially means that in the world of dating the man wants to hunt you, even if you are the easiest catch on earth. Women forget this fact and ignore it at their peril. To get the man you want, you have to make them chase you and feel like they have achieved something when they eventually get to put their arm round your waist and give you a perfect kiss. If that sense of achievement is missing, your hunter will go on searching.
Okay so let's move on to the Savannah plain to explain further. How do we know what men want and like. Well all hunters want to catch the lioness, she with the thick mane and feline grace, queen of the jungle. Men will convince themselves that they could catch the lioness if they so wanted because they all like to think they are king of the jungle. But today they are too tired to do anything about it. That is exactly what happens when your hunters gather in bars together. They discuss the ones that got away and their prowess out in the field. However, you know and I know that the hunters out there are fooling themselves. They know deep down that they don't have the ability to catch the queen of the jungle, but they like to think that they might, maybe.
No, instead our intrepid hunters will seek out the slightly (but not necessarily) easier target, the more satisfying and certainly beautiful prey, the Gazelle. The gazelle you see can be found in packs out any weekend night with their Gazelle friends. Gazelles live next door, or across the street. They are beautiful creatures and fairly obtainable: But not without a fight. So the chase is on. Which of our hunters will success in capturing his gazelle this weekend? The more they hunt and chase; and the longer they are made to chase, the more rewarded they will feel when they finally succeed. And inevitably our hunter will settle down and give up hunting. But only if his Gazelle makes him feel like he has succeeded and is a true catch. Now our hunter believes he caught his Gazelle all by himself, but maybe just maybe, the Gazelle let herself be caught. Eventually.
On the down side of our make believe Savannah is the antelope. Now our hunter wants the lioness and he tries to convince himself he could capture her if he really wanted but it is too much like hard work. He really knows that he will capture his Gazelle in all reality, but when Gazelles are scarce and hard to come by, he will go for the easy target, the antelope. Down in the bar on a Friday evening there are few Gazelles about but the antelope is grazing nearby so he pounces and achieves a result straight away. There is no chase, no thrill and hardly any sense of achievement, but it staves off his hunger for now. Tomorrow the hunt will begin again.
The antelope doesn't fair too well out of this scenario but she was never going to put up too much of a chase and he was never going to be satisfied with the outcome. So at the next opportunity your hunter will be off seeking the gazelles once again, with a sly look in the direction of the lioness in a wishful thinking kind of way. And what if the hunter does finally get his gazelle, will he be satisfied? Invariably yes. The lioness is out of reach and far too scarce. The lioness may represent perfection in our hunters' Savannah plain and he may even think about what if every now and again. However if he did catch the lioness, she would probably eat him alive! But the man as hunter will be extremely happy with his sense of achievement. The antelope will always lose out because she cannot provide our hunters with what they need and desire most - chase, thrill and an implicit satisfaction with the end result.
Where it all goes badly wrong is when the lioness, gazelle and even antelope go hunting the hunter. The hunter doesn't know what to do and is not designed to cope in such situations. The hunter will be frightened and run away. So the important point to make is that allow the hunter to feel he is doing the chasing, even if secretly, he isn't. The hunter will still feel like he deserves the feeling of success and achievement even if you led him to you.
Our urban jungles are full all such creatures. Hunters are everywhere. The unbelievably attractive and desirable lioness with her Manolo Blahnicks? Our hunter lusts after her but will rarely obtain. The beautiful Gazelle next door who puts up an excellent enough chase that the hunter will eventually settle with. The dowdy antelope is simply too obtainable to present a challenge. Now do not feel demeaned by this because of course your hunter is still the Neanderthal but if you think of our world on this level it becomes easier to get inside a man's head. Men do love to chase girls and they will always fall for the one who makes them chase the longest and hardest. It's nature in full throw. They do hanker after the catwalk beauties in our society but men are not so stupid, in reality most know they have little chances of success. Only the most confident men will even bother to chase at all.
So if you want to bring your hunter into the fold, keep him chasing you girls, long after he thinks he has caught you, still keep him chasing. You maybe the lioness or the Gazelle but he will thank you for it. After all, maybe just maybe, men are the simplest of creatures to please. Whatever you do in our dating jungle, never allow yourself to be the antelope.
Watch your step girls; it certainly is still a jungle out there.
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7 Online Dating Safety Tips for Seniors
by: Terence YoungOnline dating services via the Internet are fast becoming a very popular way to meet others and form relationships. And the services are popular for seniors as well.
People at this stage of life are sometimes experiencing the loss of lifelong spouses and suddenly find themselves in a situation where they are lonely. For some, the thought of being lonely is too much and they would like to find someone else to share the remainder of life with so they turn to online dating services. But seniors must be careful that in their eagerness they don't overlook some things to watch out for in online dating.
While there are many honest people providing services on the Internet, there are also many unscrupulous people who are out to take whatever they can from others - especially seniors.
Here are seven tips for seniors when it comes to online dating:
1. Limiting the amount of personal information you expose to strangers on the internet is one of the most important safety measures you as a senior (or anyone else for that matter) can take in online dating.
2. Be truthful about the pictures of yourself that you post. Take the first step to be honest with people. Don't post pictures of yourself in your 30s when you are in your 50s.
3. You should be especially careful of revealing any information to a non-paying or free member on the dating service site. Understand that an online dating service web site is a business just like any other valid business. They need to be able to collect a fee in order to stay online and pay their expenses for web hosting service, webmaster maintenance, and fees associated with making and collecting payments. A free member trying to get you to circumvent the system and release your personal information and deal offsite is probably a scammer. He or she may not be such but the risk is too high to take chances.
4. The best tip is to try and get a background check on the person you meet in the online dating service forum. An online dating service named will actually do free background checks for convicted felons and married people who join their site. And they have some pretty stern warnings for these people as well. Many also do not know that you can look up conviction information in many states in the U.S. The court systems in many states have web sites with judicial records that are available to the public. You can see if the person is divorced or has charges of domestic violence or other criminal charges.
5. When you have arranged a first date, meet in a public place. Also, tell a friend or close family member where you are going for this date and the times you will be there. Take a cell phone. There is much less likelihood that something will happen in a public place.
6. Be careful of persons you are communicating with for a possible date who ask a lot of questions but will not answer your questions. Con artists and predators are very skilled at getting information they need by formulating questions in such a manner that they derive the answers. You can actually give them information you never intended to give. And because these predators know this, they will not answer your questions because you might figure out who they really are.
7. And finally, a good rule to always follow is if something does not feel right, don't proceed with it. You will be able to tell when the person you are communicating with is not quite right. Something inside of you will alert you. Listen to that hunch inside of you. It could keep you out of a lot of trouble.
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Follow these rules and you will increase the chances that your online dating adventure will be a safe and memorable one.
About the AuthorFor more tips and resources to help you navigate the dating scene visit:
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Dating Advice UK: Ready to Date & Find a Relationship?
Are you ready to date and find a relationship? You may think you are but if you are still playing the looser in the dating game its time to learn how to move on. Learn what you need to handle before dating, and relationships are going to work for you.
Ready to start dating to find a relationship?
Well - are you ready to start dating? This may apply to whether you have been dating or are new to dating again after a long-term relationship. “Of course I am”, you may say, but it is surprising how many people I talk to who say they are ready but when we dig a bit deeper all kinds of dating/relationship/life issues surface. How about the lady who said she was ready but there was a certain man who had been around in the background for 11 years? Or the woman who likewise is ready but never has the time even to go to the hairdressers or check her bank statement because of the hours she works?
What gets in the way of successful dating?
So much can get in the way of being ready to date successfully and find a relationship. These are a few of the things that are common:-
• Still holding emotional baggage from previous relationships
• Being in the middle of legal chaos
• Working such long hours that you can’t find the time
• Over -commitment to family
• People in your life who hold you back
• Not knowing what you really want in a life
Wherever you may be, it is important that you give yourself a dating/relationship road check. By that I mean looking at all areas of your life so that you are clear what you need to handle before you could possibly start getting into a relationship. This may sound trite but to be successful in relationships you need to find a way to be successful in life. Relationships are not an isolated part of our lives but a reflection of how we live our lives in general. If your life is in balance it is much more possible that you will be able to find, and build upon, a successful relationship.
Building a Life That is Ready for Relationship
I just mentioned a relationship road-check. If you are going to be ready to go on the ‘road’ so to speak what needs to be in place? These are some areas that I suggest you look at:-
• Physical/emotional health
• Work/career
• Lifestyle
• Money
• Family
• Friends
• Environment – home etc.
• Relationships
What you need to do is to first honestly summarise where you are in all these areas. Secondly take a look at what you might need to do to resolve any or all of the issues that are currently outstanding. If for instance under “friendship” you realise that the people you mostly socialise with are only interested in going to bars & getting drunk and you have had enough of this. You need to find people who want to do the kinds of things that you would find interesting and satisfying. Your working life is less than satisfying, how can you turn this round? Remember small steps can make a big difference and I am not talking about doing this overnight. It is not a makeover programme but a life programme. It’s about getting more focused and into action on your own behalf.
Now Get Ready for Dating and Relationship
Now you have a plan for handling some areas of your life that need attention you can also look at where you are in terms of dating and relationship. The old saying “success breeds success” may be very annoying when your life does not resemble anything like success. Just a pause here to note that success is whatever success means for you not what others might judge to be success. I can assure you that when you begin to take the steps towards becoming more successful in one area of your life there are knock on effects that impact on other areas.
Without doubt you will begin to show up differently to those around you. Those friends who held you back or not even knowing how much you have in the bank can be a thing of the past. This is about standing up and taking responsibility for your life so that you can take responsibility for the successful relationship that you really want. Take one step at a time making sure that all the steps are going in the same direction and you will realise that you can get your life moving on the relationship road.
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12 Ways to Show your Partner You Care
There are hundreds of articles and websites devoted to making sure that your partner knows that you love them. However, many of these articles are filled with trite expressions of love that seem clichéd when they’re overused. To really show your partner that you care, you need better guidelines and better advice. Here is some advice that you can actually use.
Make coffee/tea in the morning
When you’re both waking up in the morning, one of the first things on your minds is probably some sort of drink to get you going. One of the best ways to help get your days off to a great start is to make coffee for your girlfriend or wife. Without having to go to the lengths that breakfast in bed goes to, you will show that the first thing in the morning that you think of is her.
Do a little cleaning
After making coffee in the morning, why not straighten up a little before you head to the shower or to wherever you need to go? You don’t have to get out a scrub brush, but taking the time to throw the dishes in the dishwasher and scoop the litter pan can be helpful.
Notice things that are missing
One of the ways to really impress a woman is to do something without being asked. When you’ve running low on toilet paper, be sure to run out to get some. Running low on milk? Stop at the store on the way home. This shows that you are committed to making your lives run smoothly.
Ask if there’s anything that you can do
Many women have mental lists of things that need to be done every day, but will only let you know about them when the list becomes too long. Instead of waiting for the argument that follows, why not ask if there’s anything you can do? It saves both of you time and makes a woman feel appreciated for the things that she has done in the past.
Fill up the gas tank
Something that you many guys might not think about is a woman’s car. Most women hate to fill up their gas tanks – especially when they’re heading to work or when it’s raining or snowing – so why not fill it up for her when you notice that it’s low? It’s simple and certainly something that will be appreciated.
Write something
You don’t need to be a professional writer in order to show a woman that you care about her. But when you’re giving her a card for some occasion, be sure to include your own words in it as well. Women sometimes like to save cards and will cherish the words that you wrote over anything else.
Try to make day dates
Because you’re both busy at work, you might want a little break from time to time. Why not make a date in the middle of your work days? Meet for lunch or for dinner once per month to break up your routines and remind each other that there is more to your lives than your paycheck.
Get to know their friends
A woman’s friends are a representation of the way that she is when you’re not around. If you want to understand her, try to get to know her friends. Your wife or girlfriend will appreciate the way that you show that you care about other important people in her life.
Get to know her family
Just like her friends, a woman’s family is the group of people that came long before you. Even if you’re not the best fit for their tastes, try to find some common ground that you can share.
Ask if something’s wrong
When you notice that something is different about your partner, don’t ignore it. Ask if anything is wrong and let her know that you are willing to listen to her and help her if you can.
Remember anniversaries and birthdays
There are plenty of calendar services that can remind you of important days, so there’s no reason that you shouldn’t be bringing an appropriate gift or bunch of flowers when she’s expecting it.
Celebrate the everyday
Realize that anniversaries and birthdays aren’t the only times that you can celebrate your relationship – why not surprise her with a short note or a small wildflower every now and then? Expense isn’t the point – it’s the expression that matters.
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500 Secrets About Women.
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